Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Blog #2

 Supreme Court 

1. I did not realize that the President of the United States was the one to nominate the Supreme Court justices and then it goes to the Senate. I thought the President was the one who has the last say and not the Senate. 

2.  I think one of the most powerful things the Supreme Court can do is impeach a President. Nobody else can do that in the US government besides the Supreme Court. 

3. I am most surprised that there are nine justices, I would think that there would be less because then it wouldn't prolong the decision process.     

4. I read the article instead of the video because I think I retain information better if I read it rather than watching it. When I was reading some of the cases in the Supreme Court, all of them have a place in history which to me makes me think how the Supreme Court has the power to decide outcomes that will change history. 

Blog #1

Top 5 News Sources 

Garrett Escala 

    Today there are thousands of places that you can access news sources from. As somebody who doesn't love to keep up with the news today because of what is happening in the world today, I find myself reading news without even knowing it. When reading what this blog assignment was about, I really had to think about where I get my news sources from. 

5. Notifications on my phone 

One of the places I get my news sources from, not often, is from notifications from my phone. I mainly have notifications for ESPN, MLB, NHL, and other sports related apps but occasionally I get notifications from Apple News. For people who are into sports and like to follow their teams I definitely suggest putting notifications on for your favorite team, that way you can keep up with the score, trades, signings, and injuries that happen with the team. 

4. Twitter 

  I am a huge baseball fan and the reporters who break the news on trades. During the trade deadline this year I was on twitter the entire day and continue to go on twitter almost every day to keep up with news. Not only do I get sports news but current events as well. I like twitter because the main people or websites will post an article or break news and I like how I can read everybody's reaction to them and can see different point of views. I would suggest twitter to people who are able to take others people views on things with a grain of salt. If you get annoyed by other people's point of view then twitter is not for you. It is a place where you need to respect other people's points of view. 

3. Instagram 

I think that Instagram would be higher on other people's lists but for me it isn't. I will always see news on Instagram that I would've already have seen on some of the news sources I use more, and it isn't as detailed as the other news sources I get. In my opinion if you just want to read the headlines Instagram is perfect. It does not go into too much detail but you get the story straight. 

2. Apple News 

One of my favorite news sources to get news from is Apple News. On my phone I can swipe all the way to the left and I can read the top news articles that day. It is a quick and easy way to see what is going on in the world and I get all my current events from Apple News and I definitely suggest it to people who want to keep up with current events. It is super easy to just swipe over and look at the top headlines and skim them super quickly. 

1. Tik Tok 

I have a feeling this will be high on everybody's lists. Tik tok is where I get most of my news and while it may not be as reliable as Apple News, I always happen to swipe and see news randomly. From current events to sports I see it all on Tik Tok. I would suggest this one to people who are ok seeing content and news from unreliable sources but other than that it is #1 for a reason and it's because I am always on the app and always see news. 

Final Post

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