Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Blog #5


Resistance and Revolution: The Anti-Vietnam War Movement at the University  of Michigan, 1965-1972

From what I have learned on the news, social media, and class, the government loves war. It is a time where they can tell you what to do, get more money, and almost have full control over the citizens. We have to access these websites because the government will shutdown and block it if it goes on mainstream news. They don’t want us to see all the talk about antiwar because they are scared of what the population would do if a war broke out and stuff like this was written on mainstream news. The government manipulates us so that we see what they want us to see and our opinions are totally on what they think. Which is against what our founding fathers once said and wrote down. We should have the freedom of speech and it should be on mainstream news whether the government likes it or not. War is terrible and not a good thing for the world. If WWIII breaks out in a Nuclear War, the next world war will be fought with sticks and stones (paraphrased from Albert Einstein). The government still thinks that promoting all this news about war is going to scare us into thinking we need to go and step in in Europe. 

These websites that we have scratch and claw to get to are there for a reason, so we don’t see what the government knows is true, but is too scared to find out what happens if we find out the truth. 

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